How to Install the Java Software
Here we discuss about how to download Java JDK version 8.1 from Oracle website and download then install to your system.
Note: Java is open/free source , so you need not pay anything.
Current JDK version is JDK 8.
Step 1:
Find your system is 32/64 bit operating system, goto system properties then check it.
Step 2:
Goto : jdk 8 download for windows 8.1 32 bit operating system - click here
Goto : jdk 8 download for windows 8.1 64 bit operating system - click here
Step 3:
After downloaded install it, please watch given video.
Note: Java is open/free source , so you need not pay anything.
Current JDK version is JDK 8.
Step 1:
Find your system is 32/64 bit operating system, goto system properties then check it.
Step 2:
Goto : jdk 8 download for windows 8.1 32 bit operating system - click here
Goto : jdk 8 download for windows 8.1 64 bit operating system - click here
Step 3:
After downloaded install it, please watch given video.